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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The concept of Gross National

Known as the GNP total final goods and services thatproduce the members of the community, both within the state or abroad during the period of time usually years
There are many problems facing the measurement ofGNP, including ------
-The problem of the heterogeneity of units of final goods and services
-The problem of determining the value of public servicesprovided by the government to members of the community
-The problem of determining the value of certain servicesresulting from the ownership of the original lesson from it
-The problem  calculate the value of some of the services through the market Atmar
-The problem of calculating the value of self-consumptionto producers

Methods of measuring national output
There are two ways to measure the gross national................

First, the way the final product
According to which national output is measured on the basis of account values ​​of all final goods and services

Second, the way value added
According to which national output is measured on the basis of the total values ​​Maadavch all sectors ofeconomic activity
By Economics

Assets and currents

Can distinguish between the economic variables on the basis that it

Is the economic variables do not have a time dimensionmeasured at any given moment Examples include the amount of money and wealth and the size of the volume of capital and Madakharc

Is the economic variables have a time dimension in the sense that it is measured during a specific time periodand examples of savings and income and Alasnosmar
The rate of change in currents assets
By Economics

Economic variables, which included economic model

Model includes the economic variables
  First, internal variables
Economic variables are those which value is determinedfrom within the economic model, such as a national product and the level of employment and it is consideredinternal variables variables take into account theeconomic models and then does not affect the internalvariables on the exogenous variables but are affected by

   Second, exogenous variables
Economic variables are those determined by the value ofKharjaj economic model, such as its political and social conditions, this means that the external variables to the variables in Atakz account

Definition of the macro-economic

Known as macro-economic section of the branches ofeconomic theory, which is interested in studying andanalyzing the behavior of macroeconomic variables at the level of the national economy in a society Maenobzlk heis interested in studying and analyzing economic activityand kidney Mahhaddath and direction of economic phenomena and the effect of the economic problem at the level of the national economy.

There are many goals
Including achieving a high level in both the GNP and the rate of growth in which
Achieve full employment
Stability in the price level
External balance and exchange rate stability
Justice in the distribution of income

Is a sub-economic theory, whether the theory ormacroeconomic Aldznahleitnavsan together butcomplement each other, but the overall economy is different from the micro economy from several angles will explain later
By Economics

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Second, in terms of market monopoly of economics

Must satisfy the three conditions to achieve a monopoly market 
  1. The presence of a single product of the commodity-producing 
  2. The absence of other industries producing alternative goods of a commodity can be produced by the monopolist, so cross elasticity of demand for a commodity monopolist for the other commodities is equal to zero 
  3. The presence of strong inhibitors prevent the entry of new competitors to the market 

Note :Project is a monopolist sets its price based on estimates of quantities which are expected to sell at different price levels and expected sales function similar in shape with the market demand curve By Economics

First, the most important conditions of full competition in the market economics

  1. And a large number of sellers and Almharin so that the decisions taken by one of the productive projects do not affect the decisions of other projects in the sense that productive projects operating under full competition, receive the prevailing market price 
  2. Item homogeneity of units produced in the sense that the properties of item sold in a market full of competition and one where neither the seller prefers buyer seller 
  3. Freedom of entry and exit to and from the market Balnsphlay any seller or buyer is not there any administrative restrictions Aoukanonah Awaguetsadah prevent any vendor to enter the market a particular product 
  4. Full knowledge or complete knowledge of market conditions for each seller or buyer in the sense of the seller and the buyer have enough information about the market By Economics

Monday, September 19, 2011

Forms of the market and the balance of the project

Forms of the market and the balance of the projectHunthaddt for two types...........
First, the full market competition
Second, market monopoly in economics

Mixed economic system

In fact, we find that the mixed economic system can bevery close to the capitalist economic system and thatwhen the dwindling of public enterprises by the growingtrend of private defense activity at the state level
The most important guideline principles underlying theeconomic system mixed is the economic freedomrestricted, which is to give individuals a degree offreedom in the behavior of economic and widespread private ownership of some of the means of productionand the rule of monopolistic competition in the marketsAsalawalkhaddmat and the markets of production elements and to solve the economic problem in the economic system and mixed through the organizationproduction and distribution of production to achieveeconomic growth
By Economics

The socialist economic system

The socialist economic system on the doctrine of collective and Menna derive principles of the ideas of this system is the most important observance of economic and public ownership and planning compulsory and the public interest 
- To solve the economic problem in the socialist economic system is the face of every element of the economic problem in the socialist economic system through a central planning and through the organization of production and distribution of production and economic growth 
By Economics 

Capitalist economic system

Capitalist economic system is based on the doctrine of individual free and emerges from it and the principles of the ideas of this system is the most important economic freedom and private ownership of factors of production and the rule of full competition in the markets of goods and services and factors of production and private interest 

The most important of these principles is ..............Economic freedom, the sense of freedom of action and freedom of production and .consumption freedom .Private property and is considered one of the most important guideline principles .Full competition .Finally, the private interest 

In order to solve the economic problem in the capitalist economic system Through aspiring to your price or market forces through the organization of production and distribution of production to achieve economic growth By Economics

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Relationship with the basic science of economics

Depends economics often to study some of the basic sciences and the most important of which for himStatistics and Mathematics majority of shapes andcurves, which find them in this book necessarily reflect the general state derived from statistical analysis in depthof data available and contains books of Economicnecessarily graphics tools of illustrations as a substitute for verbal expression to the phenomenon of what which requires knowledge of the need for some basic guideline principles of mathematics and statistics

Relationship of economics with the knowledge of history

Associated economics are closely study the history In the events of history by the economic can be used to study it and analyze it and extract the results of the importance of it useful in understanding some of the problems of current economic and notes that the economist when he speaksabout the history speaks for all the events with economic dimensions after that has ended, whether these eventsbelongs to a century ago such as the development of the capitalist system during the last century the evolution ofprices in Egypt during the past three decades and a link tothe knowledge of economics history is born the so-calledeconomic history

Relationship of economics to psychology

The science of economics studying the external behaviorof individuals Kmaho while specialized psychology to study the reasons behind this behavior and so is linked toeconomics to psychology, where they are both studyingthe same phenomenon, but limited the jurisdiction ofEconomics on the external behavior, while the competence of psychology to analyze the internal drivesof the human behavior thus, the complement each other's work

Relationship of the knowledge economy policy

There is a strong correlation between economics and political science, where stands of political science at the head of the social sciences that can not be for economicoverlooked because of the great difficulty in drawing the line between economics and political science andemphasizes that the knowledge economy has beenknown for a long period of time as the economy political and perhaps the French writer Antoine de MonakrEtienne is the first of this name Askhaddm In fact, this designation did not mean that the economy became thesubject note and pursuant to the policies of the nakedMatzar estimated the overlap of boundaries and interests of each of the flags together

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Difficulty of a definition of economics conclusively

Difficulty of a specific definition for the information andboycotted the economy due to two reasons

1)The Economics of Social Sciences one and thusunaffected by the circumstances surrounding

2)That all fit the definition of the point of view the two economies to solve the problems facing the communityand arrange them according to their relative importanceduring the period of the emergence of this definition

Definition of economics

  • There are many definitions set by economists for the information economy, of which ...........
  • The definition of Scottish economist Adam Smith, where he knew the science that studies the reasons for the nation's wealth and how to increase 
  • Definition of John Stewart as he defined as a tendency of science, which traces the impact of type of Community law which arises from the work of human beings in order to produce wealth 
  • The definition of Alfred Marshall, where he defined as the science that studies human beings in their normal work is looking at how to get rights to income and how to use this income 
  • Peugeot, where the definition of science, which he defined as respect to study the economic well-being 
  • Definition of the Lionel Robbins knew where he studied science, who regard human behavior as a liaison between the needs and the multiple objectives 
  • Definition Maitlon Friedman knew that science which looks at the ways in which community can solve its economic problems 
  • Foregoing summary it is difficult to define a specific and definitive reason for the information economy in the other article 
  • By Economics