Known as the GNP total final goods and services thatproduce the members of the community, both within the state or abroad during the period of time usually years
There are many problems facing the measurement ofGNP, including ------
-The problem of the heterogeneity of units of final goods and services
-The problem of determining the value of public servicesprovided by the government to members of the community
-The problem of determining the value of certain servicesresulting from the ownership of the original lesson from it-The problem calculate the value of some of the services through the market Atmar
-The problem of calculating the value of self-consumptionto producers
Methods of measuring national output
There are two ways to measure the gross national................
First, the way the final product
According to which national output is measured on the basis of account values of all final goods and services
Second, the way value added
According to which national output is measured on the basis of the total values Maadavch all sectors ofeconomic activity
By Economics
There are many problems facing the measurement ofGNP, including ------
-The problem of the heterogeneity of units of final goods and services
-The problem of determining the value of public servicesprovided by the government to members of the community
-The problem of determining the value of certain servicesresulting from the ownership of the original lesson from it-The problem calculate the value of some of the services through the market Atmar
-The problem of calculating the value of self-consumptionto producers
Methods of measuring national output
There are two ways to measure the gross national................
First, the way the final product
According to which national output is measured on the basis of account values of all final goods and services
Second, the way value added
According to which national output is measured on the basis of the total values Maadavch all sectors ofeconomic activity
By Economics